Pillcam – Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy
Performed in our office for anemia, abdominal pain, bleeding, weight loss, diarrhea, to diagnose or assess Crohn’s disease. The set up takes 20 minutes, there is no sedation involved and the interpretation is done by our board certified physicians. Click here for preparation instructions
PillCam Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy is a medical procedure which allows your physician to visualize parts of your gastrointestinal tract. The GI tract is a part of the digestive system and extends from the mouth to the anus.
The PillCam Platform is an efficient, patient-friendly, and clinically-proven system consisting of PillCam video capsules for the esophagus and small bowel. More than 1,000,000 patients worldwide have benefited from the PillCam video capsules.

Pillcam Eso
PillCam ESO provides a time-efficient and patient-friendly method for visualization of the esophagus. The PillCam ESO procedure can be performed in less than 30 minutes, and the results can be quickly interpreted.
Pillcam Sb
PillCam SB is the most widely used, patient-friendly tool for visualization of the entire small bowel and is the standard of care for detecting small bowel abnormalities. The clinical value of PillCam SB as a tool in detecting small bowel abnormalities is demonstrated by more than 1,200 peer-reviewed clinical papers.
PillCam capsule endoscopy is the most widely used, patient-friendly tool for direct visualization of the GI tract. To date, more than 1,200,000 patients worldwide have benefited from PillCam endoscopy.
In PillCam capsule endoscopy the patient swallows a PillCam video capsule that is the size of a large vitamin. The capsule then passes through the digestive system, transmitting images and data wirelessly to a Data Recorder worn by the patient. Once the procedure has been completed, the images are reviewed by a physician.
PillCam capsule endoscopy offers a simple, safe and non-invasive alternative to traditional imaging procedures. The procedure does not require sedation, intubation, bowel insufflation or radiation. Patients may even continue with their normal daily activities during the procedure.
In addition, the Agile™ patency capsule provides a simple and convenient means to verify functional patency of the GI tract in patients with known or suspected strictures.
PillCam capsule endoscopy is not for everyone. PillCam video capsules are contraindicated in patients with: known or suspected gastrointestinal obstructions; strictures or fistulas; cardiac pacemakers or other implantable electromedical devices; and swallowing disorders.
Agile patency capsules are contraindicated in patients with swallowing disorders. The Agile Patency Scanner is contraindicated in patients with cardiac pacemakers or other implanted electromedical device.